November 21 - GLIAFAA Annual Meeting - Michigan Firehouse Museum, Ypsilanti, MI
     - Election of Officiers - we will be voting for Recording Secretary
              -  it is between Anne Pajak and Sue Pashukewich.
              -  the following are running for Director (you can only vote for 2): Ken Tappen, George Lascecki,
                 Francis Glen and Walt McCall.
  There will also be a lunch provided so come around 1:00 pm.  We will get lunch and then eat downstairs        while we conduct the meeting.  There will be an auction to follow.

February 23 - 26/2011 - SPAAMFAA National Winter Conference - to be held in Dallas Texas.  Hosted
    by North Texas Historical Fire Museum, Inc.

2011 - SPAAMFAA Summer Conference to be held in Syracuse, NY - date to follow

July 25 - 29/2012 - SPAAMFAA Summer Conference - hosted by Great Lakes International Antique Fire Apparatus Association. Will be at Heritage Park in Frankenmuth MI.